Paradise Park Wardens

Paradise Park Wardens

on 23 August 2024

New Safety Measures

We are excited to announce that we've successfully reintroduced the Paradise Park Wardens project now that the CID is operational! We will have one warden stationed at the top playground and another down by the treehouse. Their responsibilities include picking up litter, assisting park visitors, and coordinating with the security team as needed.

Meet the Team

We are pleased to have the same dedicated team of wardens back: Yanga, Papi, and Christian! They will be responsible for picking up litter, acting as eyes-and-ears for the security team, and assisting park visitors. Please feel free to say hello when you see them in the park!

Special Thanks

A huge thanks to the Shell Garage for providing toilet and charging facilities, and to everyone who supported the original pilot project last year. 

Let's keep Paradise Park safe and awesome!