
Newlands CID Company Meetings

Should a member wish to address the board on any matters pertaining to the CID, they are requested to make an appointment with the CID Manager, March Turnbull, at no later than 14 days prior to the meeting.

Membership Application Forms 

Rate-paying property owners within the Newlands Community Improvement District can register as members of the company.  Members influence the management of the CID by attending and voting at company General Meetings, including the AGM.   

You are not a member by default - you need to submit an application form to be included in the Members Register.   All owners are encouraged to register as members of the Newlands CID company.

Please email your completed form to  The form will be checked against the City's ownership records and then included in the Members Register.  

In strict compliance with the POPI Act, personal details collected on these forms will be used solely to maintain a legally required Members Register for the Newlands Community Improvement District.  

Application for Admission of Membership – Private Individual

Application for Admission of Membership – Juristic Person (Company or Trust)

Mandate to represent Property Owner

Common Ownership or Control Form

Business Plan

Business Plan

Urban Management Survey

Survey Results