
Notice of Intended Newlands CID Board Meeting:

Kindly note that these are provisional dates and may change due to unforeseen circumstances. 

Should you wish to address the board on any matters pertaining to the CID geographical area, you are requested to make an appointment with the CID Manager, Mr March Turnbull, at march@newlandscid.org no later than 14 days prior to the meeting in order for you to be afforded a time slot to address the board members.

September 2024 Newsletter: 

Why have we applied to become a Community Improvement District?

The reason we applied to become a CID was because our area delivers a surprising number of critical services on a voluntary basis. This includes community security, parks projects, litter management programmes, etc.  For a fuller understanding of what volunteers do behind the scenes in our community, please click here.  

Almost all of those volunteer projects are under pressure and without a new funding model some, perhaps many, will eventually fall away. This would have an immediate impact on the cleanliness and public safety of our suburb. That in turn will affect our quality of life and our property values.  So the Residents' Association and others spent a long time considering alternative models - before we reached that point.

The establishment of a CID, and the financial sustainability it brings, will not only relieve those pressures, it will deliver supplementary services, over and above those the City and our volunteers can provide.  Community safety, cleansing services, environmental upgrading and social responsibility are the cornerstones of our CID.