1st Public Meeting

1st Public Meeting was held on 17 August 2023.

Notice of the 1st Public Meeting

Emails giving formal notice of the 1st Public Meeting were sent to all property owners with an email address on the City database.  

The full text of that notice email can be viewed here:  https://mailchi.mp/62e289cca9f6/notice-of-public-meeting-proposed-newlands-cid

The main agenda item for this meeting will be the presentation of the Draft Business Plan.  This documents details the proposed operational activities, income and expenses of the CID.

The Business Plan also outlines the governance structures and administrative activities of the CID

Date:  17 August 2023

Time: 18:00

Venue: 3rd Claremont Scout Group Hall

Address: Greenford Road, Newlands

Die Burger: August 2023

Cape Times: August 2023

Tatler: August 2023

Poster Campaign as per Public Participation Plan

Pick n Pay Community Notice Board Rondebosch

Copy of the draft Business Plan, Rondebosch Library

Copy of the draft Business Plan, Claremont Library

Below: Slide deck presented at the 1st Public Meeting 

20230815 Presentation 1 Newlands CID_Draft (City comments) with commentary.pdf

25/08/2023:  draft Minutes of the Public Meeting held at the 3rd Claremont Scout Hall, Greenford Road, Newlands.

Please be aware that the minutes displayed on the right will be edited over the next few days if the Steering Committee is made aware of any errors or omissions.

If you want to see the document in a larger format, or download the minutes to your device, click on the arrow icon in the top right corner of the box.  You can download from that window, using your browser's download option.

If you would like us to email the minutes directly to you, please let us know at info@newlandscid.org.

An audio recording of the meeting is also available. You can listen to it on your device using this link or download the audio file (52MB).  Due to technical issues, the opening remarks from Hannchen Louw were not recorded but the slide presentation and questions from members of the public can all be heard.  

With thanks,
Steering Committee

Below: draft Minutes of the 1st Public Meeting 

20230823 draft minutes of PM1 17 August 2023 v2.pdf